Finding the Familiar

Finding the familiar in the fog and new terrain where vision blurs These my heart stirs- familiar things that remain Familiar things you ask? What could these sweet gifts be? Bare feet in the blades of grass Dew drops on peonies Washing dishes in the sink Doing laundry, pulling weeds Singing the words to a favorite song My hair blowing in the breeze Yes, I’m Finding the familiar in the fog and new terrain thankful for the daily gifts tasksRead more

…a few thoughts on hurting and healing…

Hurts Deep hurts that aren’t dealt with Can turn into Hate deep hate that infects and infests hearts deep deep into the heart And the healing? Deep healing? It takes ReOpening the hurts, those deep hurts, and feeling and reeling and dealing- then…healing and forgiving …and then living with hearts that hurt and heal and love and feel and in time HOPE Oh my friend– feel, forgive, heal… the hurt is worth the healing Hope is a reality when ourRead more

the road

I’ve heard of ‘the road less traveled’ I’ve walked it a mile or two I’ve seen my own road unravel Horizon so not blue but oh the grace that’s met me On this unchartered course My Savior never leaves me Hope overrides remorse For there have been such blessings some in disguise, some clearly seen….. I know that He is with me- what peace that brings to me Peace comes amidst the trials It comes amidst the storm It comesRead more

…a few thoughts on forgiveness…

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” ~ Lewis Smedes Question: Seriously? Even when the offense is so deep and horrific and impactful? Thought: Forgiveness is only necessary when there has been an offense. Sometimes that offense has been incredibly great. Question: But doesn’t forgiveness mean you’re making light of what is done? You’re allowing the person to be ‘off the hook’? Thought: Nope. It’s an acknowledgement that there was indeed anRead more


There’s a stretch of trees between where I live and where I used to live. If you’re driving in the late afternoon, early evening, you’ll see a beautiful show of shadows– darkness and light all over the field. It’s such a visual for me of light shining through the dark. The silhouettes of the trees only add to the beauty of this scene, and they can even make the light seem brighter when compared to the darkness. I love that.Read more

a hallelujah

So a few days ago I told my husband I was tired of being brave. Yep. Tired of it. I wanted a nap, a respite, and chocolate. I wanted to yell a bit too. And cry. And maybe even tantrum. I did eat chocolate. And I drove pretty fast with the windows down. And I lifted my voice and sang pretty loud and didn’t care who heard. And the cool thing is, I know who heard. He always does. AndRead more

Southern Snow

The winter is coming to a close. It’s the first day of March, and boots gave way to sandals today. It’s been unseasonably warm in North Carolina and the warmth is slowly melting away any hopes I have had of a good long snow this winter. I always love a good snow. It white washes the world a bit and helps things come to a halt around here. As a teacher, well, I so look forward to having an unexpectedRead more


“A bruised reed He will not break” Oh but a bruised reed will bend And when the waters rush and the earth gives way  Lord let your mercy move and mend Move like water in shallow shores Where the current ebbs and flows May the woundedness and desperate need Be mended in this reed I know My knees they bend My heart does break I know that only You can save! Oh Jesus send Merciful waves A bruised reed YouRead more

In the moment

In the quiet of this moment Oh my friend be still and know there is grace to live this moment To hold on and to let go In the quiet of this moment May your heart find strength to see Deepest beauty Amidst deep sorrow Oh how joy can walk with grief For in the moment in the quiet May the love that IS -surround Surround you and your sweet mom with the love that is profound Deeper, higher, wider,Read more

what remains

When realities blow chaff in the wind When real life burns dross away When the depths of grief are surfacing oh God help us seek your face When the fire burns so deep within And fear rises to the heights Oh God let your Word ring loud and clear You are with us in darkest of nights When the Voids within are hollow coves Fill us with your Words of Life You can use the heights and lows To drawRead more