a little post script…

“p.s.”  is a tool that I definitely take advantage of quite often.  It’s also one that I want to use today for the post I shared yesterday entitled “different”.  (To reference it, here ya go… “different” ) When I finished the post  yesterday, it just didn’t feel finished. At all. I was NOT trying to write of platitudes, but gut level acceptance of life that was “different” than what I’d hoped for, and yet even though what I was thinking wasRead more


  Serenity… can be… “acceptance of what you can’t change courage to change the things you can wisdom to know the difference…” (Reinhold Niebuhr) Serenity can also be… just taking a walk and having eyes to see the beauty all around that needs no changing. Thankful for that. Yep…thankful that no matter how many things there are that might appear to need changing, that there are so many more things (and things that are so not ‘things’, as in people)Read more