
“A bruised reed He will not break”

Oh but a bruised reed will bend

And when the waters rush and the earth gives way 

Lord let your mercy move and mend

Move like water in shallow shores

Where the current ebbs and flows

May the woundedness and desperate need

Be mended in this reed I know

My knees they bend

My heart does break

I know that only You can save!

Oh Jesus send

Merciful waves

A bruised reed You will not bend

There’s a bruised reed  about to break

Oh how he so needs you Lord

This wounded friend with deepest ache-

Oh Lord I know You can restore

Restore, renew Lord, redeem and mend

Before this bruised reed does break

Oh for this bruised reed I bow and bend

And hope in promises you’ve made

Sunset at Sunset Beach

My knees they bend

My heart does break

I know that only You can save!

Oh Lord I bend

I bow and praise 

And trust “A bruised reed You will not break”

Oh Lord I’ve prayed, I have prayed so long

That you would mend, heal, and guide

For this bruised reed I sing this song

Oh let me trust and abide

Abide in mercy that rushes in

That rushes in in due time

In shallow waters full of bended reeds

Oh Jesus bring a healing tide

Oh Jesus bring a healing tide

We need a fresh wind, healing tides to flow

In a world of bended reeds

Oh may we lift heart and hands and pray

As we bow on bended knees

Lord there is brokenness all around

Oh may your healing waters flow

Through  earthen vessels who see bruised reeds

And ask you Lord to heal and make them whole

Let your healing waters flow.

Let your healing waters flow.

“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.” Romans 8:26-27

3 responses to Bend

  1. says:

    Meaningful and beautiful…..thanks and Love you



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