Thankful Thursday

To Green Pastures, Quiet Waters, O’ Restorer of my Soul, You lead me, You guide me, You say ‘Be still and know’ Though the storm’s raging, Light’s fading, Lord please renew my strength Like an eagle, Strong regal, O Lord help me not faint.” I’ve been reading Psalm 23 a lot lately. As I drove home tonight, this looked like a picture of Psalm 23 to me. My thought was that sometimes He can lead us to ‘green pastures’ whenRead more

Thankful Thursday

Sometimes we realize that we don’t know what’s just around the bend, just over the hill, or just around the corner in our lives. Sometimes we realize that. Sometimes we don’t. But I’m guessing that in the post March 2020 world, more folks are realizing that maybe life isn’t quite as predictable as we might have hoped. But maybe, just maybe, there’s a beautiful flip side to this unpredictability of the unforeseen future. Maybe, just maybe,we can learn to appreciateRead more

Thankful Thursday

Oh, how I needed you, this space to think on the good things. So here are a few things from the week I’m thankful for… For a quiet evening with bare feet dangling in a swimming pool while having good conversation, laughter, and heartfelt prayer with a dear friend, I’m so thankful. For lavender fields, the woman who plows them, and the time to breathe in the lavender and take photos of a beautiful, sweet baby, I’m thankful. For memoriesRead more

Thankful Thursday

Every Spring, I look forward to seeing them–these splashes of blue in fields of green. Some might consider them weeds, just sprouting up here and there and everywhere. But me? I think they’re beautiful…absolutely beautiful. I’ve always loved them, but this year, well, it’s been even more of a blessing to see them. Why?  Because they’re predictable.  They stretch up every year. There’s something so comforting these days about things that are predictable, steady, anticipated. Like blue cornflowers in aRead more

chasin’ sunsets

I did it again. Instead of driving straight home, I took the long way home to be able to see the sunset just a little bit longer.  Actually, I didn’t just take the long way home, I stopped and lingered a bit at a favorite little spot. I had my daughter Hope’s little puppy with me and this little  bundle of joy made me smile because he intuitively just sat and stared at that sunset with me. Sweet. I hadRead more

…a few thoughts on being careful…

On my way to work, I always drive by a little abandoned home. The other day, I smiled as I noticed a sweet little clump of daffodils in the middle of the tall grass. It stood out and reminded me, that in the midst of all the craziness going on now in our world with shut downs and health and financial crises, well, there was still new life, still beauty, still some normal things that weren’t being stopped or shutRead more

remembering to think

It’s important to think about what we’re thinking about. It’s beneficial to pay attention to what we’re paying attention to. So often we will find that we see what we seek. That’s why it made me smile to see a splash of green on the oh-so-very-gray morning this morning. Once I saw the green of Spring, the gray almost complemented it and wasn’t so bad…even on an oh-so-very-gray morning in our nation. I’m thankful in the midst of struggle, there’sRead more

Thankful Thursday

Sometimes, it’s good to find something good to focus on.  I mean, I’m thinking even on the most difficult of days, we can find one thing to see, to hold on to and to be thankful for. And the cool thing is, that often when we find that one thing, well, our focus helps us to find other ‘one things’. Pretty soon, we’re aware of lots of ‘one things’ in our lives and our perspective can change. That about sums up thisRead more

Thankful Thursday

  The other night, my daughter surprised me by lighting this candle and putting it on my desk.  She didn’t make a big deal. She just lit it and the sights and scents changed the whole atmosphere. The cool thing was that she had had a ‘terrible, no good, very bad day….” but instead of wallowing in it, she went out and got herself a candle and shared the love by giving me one as well.  Sweet. It’s a goodRead more