Between the Lines

as certain as the dawn

Between the Lines of what I say

I hope you sense Jesus

Between the words and writings may

He be the One who frees us

Between the stories, poems, and songs

Between the hopes and dreams and wrongs

Between the blog posts, short and long

I pray that you see Jesus

Between the words that may or may not be

filled with certain terms or religiosity

The language of overt Christianity

May you sense and see Jesus

Between the heart, the soul, the cry

Of the things I think, of the words I write

May “So let us know” lead us to the place

Where we press on to know more of His Grace,

Yes between the words, between the posts

May the heart and soul be encouraged most

To have eyes to see, to have ears to hear

And a heart that longs to draw near

To draw near to Jesus

“So let us know, let us press on to know the Lord.  His going forth is as certain as the dawn.  He will come, He will come to us like the rain, like the Spring rain, watering the earth.”  Hosea 6:3

I wrote this poem awhile ago…and just decided to share it now.   I wrote it as I was thinking about this blog and hoping that it was a blessing to those who read…or just look at photos.  Blogging is so fun for me. It flows and I so don’t pay attention to any punctuation police in my head.  (Even though sometimes I really should!) That’s what keeps it fun for me.  My posts may or may not be filled with words that are spoken in a sermon or in church.  But even when the words are not overtly religious or filled with thoughts about the Lord, the cool thing is, that He is so present in it all. As a Christian, I’m so aware that, like Acts 17 says, “in Him, we live and move and have our being.”  It is a reality whether it is spoken or not.  It just is.

My hope and prayer is that this blog will honor Him with photos, and help others see the world as one who sees it through the lens of believing that God is my all in all. The sunsets are so much more beautiful when you see them as made by a loving Creator.  A child’s eyes filled with wonder are so much more precious when viewed through the lens of knowing that God is the creator of that child and has a purpose and a plan for him or her.

I’m not sure why I’m saying this.  I guess there’s such a chasm between ‘worldy views’ and ‘Christian views’ and I think there are some who may want to see the name of Jesus on every page. And there are definitely some awesome blogs whose purpose includes that.  But I’m praying that what comes through on every post whether the name of Jesus is spoken, or whether there’s just one photo is pleasing to God.  I don’t think we’re meant to separate sacred and the ordinary, the religious and the mundane.  I think it’s all one.  There’s a quote by Horatio Bonar that says, “So shall no part of day or night from sacredness be free, but all my life in every step be fellowship with Thee.”  I love that. The ordinary stuff of life can be the place of sweetest worship.  Anyway, again, I’m not sure why I’m writing this or why I wrote the poem before, or even why I’m choosing to share it now.

The blog is called “So let us know” because it comes from one of my favorite verses that says, “So let us know, let us press on to know the Lord.  His going forth is as certain as the dawn.  He will come, He will come to us like the rain, like the Spring rain, watering the earth.”  Hosea 6:3  And that is my hope…that we’d press on to know the Lord, and we’d see Him show up in amazing and ordinary ways in the big and little things of life.

Blessings ~


2 responses to Between the Lines

  1. alison says:

    Heather I SOOOO get the words “not spoken” which you often share. I love your website and would encourage you to keep on going. If He isnt seen in our lives then all the saying of His name will make not one whit of difference to those who are watching on. Have a Blessed in Him day…. a wee prayer/ poem I wrote some time ago you might like? “May grace folded in on grace which like a paper plane takes flight, and dances, till it soflty, slowly, gently lands, dance with you this day.And may grace land on you this day”.

    Liked by 1 person

    • soletusknow says:

      Aw…you just made my day. Thanks so much for sharing. I love the visual of grace like a paper plane taking flight going where it will……and will definitely take that visual with me through the day. Thank you so much for sharing !


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